Recruiting In Brooklyn

  • Published
  • By 2nd Lt. Emily Rautenberg
  • 514th Air Mobility Public Affairs

Many people in the Air Force, and the military in general, share one very powerful memory: taking “the oath.”

On March 22, Ruben Rios raised his right hand and repeated the oath of enlistment, fully committing to the Air Force Reserve. Rios was sworn in as a public affairs officer at the 514th Air Mobility Wing. In attendance were his mother, aunt, cousin, and, of course, Air Force Reserve Recruiter Staff Sgt. Anthony McCourt.

McCourt works at the Air Force Reserve Career Center at 9807 4th Ave., in Brooklyn, New York, just down the road from Fort Hamilton.

Rios is a firefighter for the Fire Department of New York and was put in touch with McCourt by a fellow FDNY firefighter, Staff Sgt Joe Bodd. Bodd works at the 514th as a Health Management Service technician.

“I always thought about joining the military,” Rios said. “I figured I’d finally pull the trigger—figuratively.”

Rios, who graduated from Brooklyn College with a degree in Film Production, will be joining the 514th Air Mobility Wing’s Public Affairs office as a photojournalist. He has always had a passion for film and photography, and after researching this profession, as well receiving guidance from McCourt, realized public affairs would be a great fit.

“I realized this was how I could give back with something I’m passionate about,” Rios said about joining public affairs. “I leave for basic May 30th and I’m ready to start this new chapter of my life!”

If you know anyone that you think would be a strong candidate for the Air Force Reserve, visit Get1Now or download their app to refer someone. Once that referral is verified, you will become eligible for an award.