• Published
  • By Senior Airman Jonathan Lane
  • 514th Air Mobility Wing public affairs

Reserve Citizen Airmen from the 514th Air Mobility Wing showcased their readiness during an off-station training mission to Naval Air Station Key West, Florida, June 29 through July 1, 2018.

     The mission combined skills of C-17 Globemaster III pilots, loadmasters, maintainers and aeromedical evacuation members to seamlessly work together to accomplish their mandatory job requirements to be ready when called upon for a tasking.

     “For the pilots, these types of missions are used to get our flying hours as well as other requirements like take-offs, landings, mission planning, and special skills such as low-levels,” said Capt. Cameron Hatton, aircraft commander of the mission and pilot from the 732nd Airlift Squadron.

     The pilots’ extraordinary skills were obvious as their C-17 raced over the crystal clear waters of the Florida Keys, at times dipping down to 221 feet from wing-tip to water while completing the low-level maneuvers.

     In order to make the flight run smoothly and safely, the loadmasters worked tirelessly to keep the cargo and passengers secure during the mission.

     “As loadmasters, we supervise the on-loading and off-loading of passengers, troops and cargo, consult and advise aircrew members with general systems and maintenance knowledge and handle the communications between command, control and support,” said Senior Master Sgt. Thomas Clayton, chief of standardization and evaluations in the 732nd AS. “This mission helped our Airmen meet their flight requirements and measured their performance by way of check-rides, evaluations and question and answering tests. We have to be proficient in every aspect of our jobs, just as our active duty counterparts.”

     While this coordinated effort was underway, the members of the 514th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron held several skills and proficiency exercises to keep their emergency medical expertise sharp while flying.

     “We completed several scenario-based events during the flight that reflect real-world, in-flight emergencies that our Airmen might face,” said Capt. Rosa Barillas, a flight nurse with the 514th AES. “Most of the training is based on a worst-case situation.”

     AES members were evaluated on their medical abilities, use of equipment and decision making during critical incidents, Barillas said. She also commented that her civilian job as an emergency room nurse helped her train, prepare and manage her Airmen in her squadron.

     While observing the AES crew members hard at work, it was apparent that their training and experience was on-point. The medical professionals calmly handled every scenario they were faced with, while navigating through oxygen hoses, stretchers, electrocardiogram (EKG) machines and other medical equipment used to save the lives of service members.

     From the cockpit to the cargo bay, the Reserve Citizen Airmen from the 514th AMW maintained proficiency in what they do through hard work and training. This constant sacrifice and development is what makes the Freedom Wing so special and what increases our global reach to make an impact wherever our Airmen are called upon to serve.