JOINT BASE MCGUIRE-DIX-LAKEHURST, N.J. -- Our squadron is growing, and with the passing of each season, we see yet another bird join our flock!
Reserve Citizen Airmen with the 714th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron with the 514th Air Mobility Wing, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J., were honored with plaques embedded to a stunning KC-46 Pegasus display, March 6, 2022.
Since the arrival of the first KC-46 Pegasus to the 514th AMW on November 9, 2021, a lucky few flying crew chiefs have had the opportunity to help bring these new aircraft home. Among those, and the first, was Master Sgt. Timothy S. Hall, 714th AMXS flying crew chief.
“The second I flipped my first switch on the KC-46, I knew it was going to be my plane,” said Hall. “Being a leader of the program is very important to me. I look forward to coming to work and I look forward to working on these jets.”
Spearheading this project was retired Chief Master Sgt. Christopher J. Hofrichter, McGuire Air Force Base Boeing KC-46 lead field service representative.
“This is our way of honoring these guys because we understand how difficult the life of a crew chief is and the sacrifices they make,” said Hofrichter. “The idea is to show our appreciation as they are coming back to home station by honoring them in a way that is going to be around for a long time. This is the kind of ‘something’ we thought would have the most impact to these guys.”
The display takes up the majority of the wall on which it is mounted, and has room to add plaques for crews that will be bringing KC-46 Pegasus’s to the Freedom Wing in the future.
“It was a fun opportunity to be able to bring a brand new plane home,” said Master Sgt. Chester L. Tyson, 714th AMXS flying crew chief. “It's been a challenge but a lot of fun to learn the jet, especially having previously worked on a free analog aircraft.”
Although only five—out of a possible 24—plaques are currently displayed, time will show the crews that helped make the KC-46 Pegasus a staple aircraft of the 514th AMW.
Reserve Citizen Airmen with the 714th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron with the 514th Air Mobility Wing, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J., were honored with plaques embedded to a stunning KC-46 Pegasus display, March 6, 2022.