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  • Freedom Wing proved ready to respond to 9/11 tragedy

    As Sept. 11 approaches, it is again time for reflection. No one could have imagined the tremendous impact that Sept. 11 would have on our lives, then and now. Despite the tragic nature of the event, we can be proud of how many of our wing's Airmen responded. Our wing took immediate action responding

  • Faith, patience can turn disaster into triumph

    A pastor friend of mine who was living in Oregon in 1980 told me he awoke one Sunday morning to see the yard covered with thick, sticky ash. Though he did not realize it at the time, he had bore witness to the most destructive volcanic eruption in U.S. history. It obliterated 1,300 feet of Mount St.

  • August Promotion

    AirmanJessica Wolthoff, 514 ASTSSenior AirmanJessica Comonie, 514 AMDSJacqueline Giordano, 514 OSSBenjamin Hobbs, 514 OSSJustin Medina, 78 ARSAnna Nichols, 514 AESAriana Petrycki, 732 ARSStaff SergeantRoss Dempsey, 514 SFSChristopher Emmeluth, 514 SFSBrandon Hodge, 514 SFSNatasha Joseph, 514

  • Good wingmen essential for fitness success

    Establishing goals and working toward them are great ways to maintain measured focus. A good wingman can also help provide the motivation and direction needed to reach those goals.I found this to be most true as I prepared to take my Air Force fitness test.As a reservist with the 514th Aerospace

  • Balanced training program reduces injury risk

    Remember when we could play any sport all day without the aches and pains in our joints and back?When we were young, we generally took physical fitness for granted. As time passes, participating in our favorite sports becomes more difficult. The discomfort we experience after we exercise and the

  • Air Force Chief of Staff speaks on diversity at NAACP dinner

    Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz spoke about the importance of diversity at the NAACP's Annual Armed Services and Veterans Affairs Awards Dinner here July 26. The banquet was one of several events held in conjunction with the group's annual convention and coincided with the 63rd