JOINT BASE MCGUIRE-DIX-LAKEHURST, N.J. -- Life isn’t easy. That concept resonates with many people, without discrimination, and Reserve Citizen Airmen are no exception.
Whether it’s problems at home, stress at work, becoming a new parent or deploying, Airmen may find themselves struggling at one or various points in their careers. Mental, physical and emotional barriers can all chip away at the Four Pillars of Comprehensive Airmen Fitness.
However don’t be alarmed! As Reserve Citizen Airmen serving in the United States military, we are inherently part of a greater support system. In fact, Military One Source offers FREE sessions with a health and wellness coach!
If you’re anything like me, you may be thinking, “how can a health and wellness coach help me?”
Take it from a sceptic, that doubt is far from the truth!
The health and wellness coaches at Military One Source are happy to help members reach their goals, whatever those goals may be.
Acting as your very own personal cheerleader, Military One Source health and wellness coaches help you make a plan, focus on results and help you reach your goals.
During my first phone conference with Coach Allison, we identified my goals and she helped me create a plan to achieve success. My goal was to improve physical fitness and my personal plan included a weekly phone call, increasing my water consumption to 64 oz. a day, eating at least 4 cups of vegetables and two fruits daily, and running 1.5 miles as often as possible with the goal of at least four times a week.
Admittedly, I was unable to stay committed to my goals 100 percent, and while Coach Allison held me accountable, she was supportive and continued to encourage me as well as adjusted my plan. Over the following weeks I was actually able to lose 15 pounds. While not an outstanding drop, it was improvement and I am excitedly continuing with the health and wellness coaching program.
According to the Military One Source website the health and wellness coaches are able to provide information, support, encouragement and accountability on weight management, fitness, nutrition, stress management and more.
The Military One Source Health and Wellness Coaching Program is a free resource for eligible service members including: active duty, national guard, reserve and immediate family members and survivors of those members.
Session options for the program include: phone, real-time online chat and real-time video session.
To sign up for the program please call Military One Source at 800-342-9647.